Protecting your energy and the energy around you is important when practicing your craft or even just carrying out your day-to-day.
Start off first with The Kabbalistic Cross followed by the Lower Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) part of the ritual.
Do these rituals daily to ensure spiritual protection of your energy as well as the energy of your home.
It is important that you are facing the right direction when doing these rituals, especially while performing the LBRP.
If you do not have a compass, there are many free apps you can download to ensure you are facing the correct directions, like Digital Compass.
This ritual derives from ancient Kabbalistic mystic practices and has been used for centuries for the energetic protection of the aura and property.
If you are dealing with strong attachments, it is advised to do these full rituals two times a day for two weeks.
After two weeks of performing these rituals twice a day, you may scale it down to one time a day depending solely on if you feel you have strengthened your energy enough to ward off heavy energies/entities.
Perform these rituals however often you feel necessary and especially before or after doing readings for people or visiting properties that may carry dense or negative energies.
Note that if you’re familiar with the LBRP, you may be wondering why “Lower” is being used in the ritual’s title.
“Lesser” is used in the Golden Dawn practices, which largely are derived from the Kabbalistic practice described in this article.
For a visual of these rituals performed, watch this video for reference:
The Kabbalistic Cross
- Kabbalistic Cross Facing the east, stand with feet together and hands at your sides.
- Raise your right hand over your head with your index and middle finger pointed out and say; “Ah”
- Move your right hand in front of your mouth and say, “Tah”
- Move your right hand down to your pelvis and say, “Malkut” (pronounced Malkoot).
- Move right hand up the torso to just below the throat then over to the right shoulder say, “Viga doo lah”
- Move right hand across the body to the left shoulder and say, “Viga boo rah”
- Bring both hands together palms touching each other centered between both shoulders say, “Li oh lahm, Amen”
The Lower Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP)
- Stand facing east, right hand in front of the left hip with index finger pointed forward.
- Make a pentagram up diagonally to the right, then down diagonally to the right, up diagonally to the left, across to the right, then down diagonally to the left.
- Pull both hands to your ribs with both index fingers pointed forward. Thrust them out and say, “YUD HEY VAHV HEY” Drop left arm keep right arm and finger pointed forward.
- Move to the south. Repeat the above steps and say, “ADONAI” Move to the west.
- Repeat the above steps and say, “EH HEH YEH”
- Move to the North. Repeat the above steps and say, “AGLA”
- Move to the east, outstretch your arms and legs say; “The Seraphim. Before me Michael, behind me Rafael, my right-hand Uriel, my left-hand Gabriel, about me flames the pentagram within me shines the sixth rayed star.
- Repeat the Kabbalistic Cross