The season of Taurus brings in the lavish energy of the planet Venus.
A favorite of both plants and animals, the strawberry plant lovingly grants us tastes of luxury and joy.
This Th-HERBS-day, we honor strawberry (Fragaria vesca).
It’s a member of the rose (Rosaceae) family and is probably one of the most widely adored foods associated with love.
The strawberry flower is almost identical in appearance to what the original rose, or wild rose, looked like.
This vibrant sweet fruit can be found all over the world and has been associated with summer and romance for centuries.
Its feminine energy is so potent, that some men wouldn’t be caught dead ordering a strawberry cocktail for fear of it emasculating their appearance.
Anyone with a love of strawberries can vouch for the deliciously decadent sweetness they can bring to the table.
The fruit’s vibrant colors alone are beautiful and it is one of the most decorative foods used in dining presentations.
Strawberries are one of the few plants that tangibly extend all of the best of Venus’s energy into our physical world.
It is especially connected to Venus’s connoisseur of the finer things in life and food-loving sign of Taurus.
Surprisingly, it is one of the few herbs in witchcraft that are utilized in love crafting and feminine rituals.
Once you get to know the spirit of strawberry, you’ll be amazed at how blatantly powerful it can be for your love and money crafting.

Strawberries in History
Strawberry is one of the oldest plants that’s been part of human existence for about 10,000 years.
Evidence of the beloved plant has been found in Neolithic archaeological excavations.
However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that we began reining it into our gardens.
Before this time, it was generally found by foraging for it in the wild, and to find them was truly a blessing.
For as long as it has been utilized by people, it’s a wonder why this coveted fruit wasn’t cultivated any sooner.
Interestingly, strawberries hold a mysterious genetic makeup that confounds modern-day scientists.
This well-known plant is an enigma to molecular scientists today and its evolutionary story is still hazy.
The strawberry plant has 8 pairs of chromosomes and scientists have struggled to understand why this has happened and how it is beneficial to the species.
Strawberry’s derived name is even unknown, but believed to be rooted in the Anglo-Saxon word for “straw” or “strew” because it was often used as a strewing herb.
It was used medicinally in many cultures across the world to treat ailments of the skin and digestion.
The leaves contain medicinal tannins and vitamin C and were brewed into a tea and drank to ease diarrhea, gas, and hemorrhoids.
The teas were also used as an astringent and applied to the skin where inflammation was caused by acne, sunburns, or insect bites.
It has even been used to eliminate plague stains on the teeth, soothe canker sores, and reduce swelling of the gums.
Today, strawberries are hardly used for their medicinal properties, but their popularity as a food and aroma is clearly “strewn” across many industries.
Venus of Willendorf Prehistoric Mother Goddess Statue by Parastone VEN01

The Spirit of Strawberry
The spirit of strawberry is by far one of the purest forms of Venus in green witchcraft.
It envelops every positive aspect of the goddess of femininity displaying attraction, love, beauty, and creativity.
Its essence is wealthy, joyous, creative, sweet, graceful, fertile, abundant, seductive, and diplomatic.
Just by eating, smelling, or looking at the herb itself is an interaction with the divine feminine in physical form.
Strawberry appreciates the finer things in life and can magnify and project beauty and prosperity in your craft.
The fact that it contains eight chromosomes alone is significantly symbolic of money.
In numerology, the number eight is a number of wealth, luck, and balance.
Strawberry’s spirit is philanthropic and loves to be around exchanges of money and charity.
You can utilized strawberry when you incorporate any part of the plant in prosperity work or when building a connection to the goddess Lakshmi.
When working with Venus, you can place a sliced strawberry on your altar to represent her divine feminine energy.
The fruit itself is adorned with its own ovaries containing its seeds, and when sliced in half, it resembles the vulva.
You can also dry out the sliced fruit to use as an amulet to invoke the wisdom of the Crone.
Strawberry leaf tea can be added to spiritual baths when you are crafting for self-love, confidence, and Venus Moon rituals.
Goddess Lakshmi 7″ Statue Padma Idol Hindu Wealth Goddess Deity Indian Fortuna

Strawberry’s Energetic Properties
This list of strawberry properties is a guide to assist you with your craft. When utilized with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc., the energy of the herb is heightened and will add power to your manifestations. Here are 18 energetic properties associated with strawberries:
1. Planet: Venus
2. Zodiac Sign: Taurus and Libra
3. House: 2nd and 7th
4. Element: Water
5. Gender Energy: Feminine
6. Chakra: Heart/Anahata (Green)
7. Archangel: Anael
8. Deity: Aphrodite (Greek), Frigg, Tyr, Forseti (Norse), Turan (Etruscan), Lakshmi (Hindu)
9. Sabbat: Beltane and Mabon
10. Season: Late Spring, Early Fall
11. Day: Friday
12. Body: Skin, Throat, Veins, and Ovaries
13. Rune: Thurisaz, Ansuz, Eihwaz, Perthro
14. Numerology: 6
15. Fae: Sprite, Gnome
16. Major Arcana: The Empress, The Hierophant, Justice
17. Minor Arcana: Cups, Pentacles
18. Cartomancy: Hearts, Clubs

Growing Strawberry
Strawberries are some of the easiest fruits to grow and taste the best when you grow them yourself!
Just like their planet ruler Venus, they love to be close to the Sun to highlight their beauty and attract everyone to their fruits.
So, planting them in a very sunny area is important so they can produce the sweetest nutritiously beautiful fruit!
Strawberries grow better in sandy, loamy soil and can be grown just about anywhere there is plenty of sunlight and fertilizer.
You can easily start growing your strawberries by seeds in the spring or from their runners.
They can be planted in raised gardens, in hanging pots, or directly in the ground.
Keep them well protected from slugs, birds, rabbits, squirrels, snails, and chipmunks.
You can do this ethically by covering the strawberries with chicken wire and lining the perimeter of the area with copper tape.
Making a chicken-wired cover from copper wire would be ideal to keep both slugs and animals away from your plants.
It’s very important to strategically water your strawberry plants directly at the base of the bush.
They’re prone to mildew and other fungal diseases that attack the leaves, so avoid drenching the leaves while watering.
If you’re using pots or hanging baskets, you can use copper tape around the base of the containers to keep slugs and snails out.
For in-depth instructions on planting and caring for specific varieties of strawberries, check out this thorough article: Growing Strawberries.
Happy Th-HERBS-day!