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Star Anise, The Socialite of Every Occasion

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Star Anise, star, anise, herb properties, anise magic properties

In spell crafting, some herbal mixtures can sabotage intentions with the shadowy characteristics of their planetary rulers.

Star anise has a spirit that can bring out the best in its herbal counterparts and help your overall workings run smoothly.

This Th-HERBS-day, we honor star anise (Illicium verum).

It’s a member of the magnolia (Schisandraceae) family and is one of the most charismatic spices in the world.

It has a strong pleasant aroma that resembles licorice and has been used in perfumes, soaps, and oils for centuries.

In cooking, anise is used in dishes from cakes to wild game and is popular in many teas, most notably, chai teas.

Star anise is widely popular for its flavorful contributions to seasonal recipes and health benefits.

This spice is even linked to the start of having cakes at weddings!

Star anise can bring out the good in almost anything, which is why it is strongly associated with the planet Jupiter.

star anise, spices, spoon-1887231.jpg
anise, witchcraft, herbal magic, spells, rituals,
Star Anise, Illicium verum

Anise History and Use

Star anise was so highly valued during the Roman era, that it was used to pay taxes.

Ancient Roman cakes called mustaceum used it as a primary ingredient.

The anise was mixed with other spices and provided both a tasty and beneficial digestive aid after heavy feasts.

These mustaceum cakes are believed to contribute to the tradition of wedding cakes.

This is believed to be derived from the tradition of having large feasts at weddings and eating the mustaceum afterward to calm down flatulence and bloat.

Anise was also a popular bait for mousetraps during the medieval era because mice find the spice to be irresistible.

Dogs also find anise to be irresistible and It is even dubbed “the catnip for dogs” because they absolutely love the scent.

Dogs love the smell of anise so much, that the artificial bunny used in greyhound racing is scented with it.

The Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed anise for coughs and this use is still applied today.

It has mild antimicrobial and expectorant benefits and is commonly added to cough medicines to mask their unpleasant flavors.

With its variety of use and long history, star anise is even popular to this day for its many uses and benefits.

THESSALONICA Macedonia 1stCenBC RARE R2 Ancient Greek Coin JUPITER GALLEY i63121

The Spirit of Star Anise

Star anise exudes all of the positive qualities of its ruling planet Jupiter.

It brings luck, expansion, seduction, protection, psychic awareness, balance to health, and attracts wealth.

The spirit of star anise is excessively philanthropic, seductive, and joyous.

Its iconic seed pods are shaped like the 8-pointed star or the octagram.

This particular star has significance in the Pagan Wheel of the Year calendar and in runic structure.

Points of the octagram-pod represent yearly astrological changes known as sabbats displayed in the calendar wheel.

The spirit of star anise loves to be a part of every sabbat and festive celebration.

Its energy works the same way Jupiter placements do in birth charts, bringing luck and wisdom to any house it is placed in.

You’ll find that anise has a way of integrating itself into many seasonal festivities that allude to abundance and joy.

It has found itself in liqueurs, holiday desserts, wild game, and fish recipes.

Though ruled by Jupiter, star anise carries strong traits of Venus and Mercury.

If you are familiar with the spirit of licorice root, you’ll notice that star anise has a lot of similar charming Venusian characteristics.

You can utilize these co-rulers in almost any type of craft that revolves around money and contracts.

Star anise can bring diplomacy between other herbs that don’t get usually get along. 

Thanks to Jupiter, It has that magic touch to make thinkgs work out for the greatest good no matter where it is.

This happy green spirit is sort of like a mix between the laughing Buddha and Santa Claus. 

It’s a sucker for parties, feasts, bridge building, and celebrations of all types.

Elder Futhark Runes formed by use of octagram

King of gods ZEUS JUPITER Greek Roman Statue Figure Sculpture Decor 10.6in

Zeus, Jupiter,

Star Anise’s Energetic Properties

The properties of anise are a helpful guide to assist you in spell crafting and rituals. 

When planned carefully with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc., the energy of the herb is heightened and will add more power to your intention. 

Here are 18 energetic properties of anise:

1. Planet: Jupiter                      

2. Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Pisces, and Libra

3. House: 2nd, 7th, 9th, and 12th

4. Element: Air, Water, Fire

5. Gender Energy: Masculine and Feminine

6. Chakra: Svadhisthana, Sacral (Orange), Vishuddha Throat (Blue), and Sahasrara Crown (Indigo)

7. Archangel: Zadkiel and Anael

8.  Deity:  Chiron, Aphrodite, Zeus (Greek), Odin, Njord, Frigg, Tyr (Norse), Tinia, Turan (Etruscan)

9.  Sabbat: Yule, Ostara, Mabon

10. Season:  Fall, Winter, Spring

11.  Day:  Thursday, Friday, Wednesday

12.  Body:  Blood, Liver, Veins, Arteries, Feet, Thighs, Skin, Throat, Veins, and Ovaries

13.  Rune: Tiwaz, Berkana, Othala, Dagaz, and Ansuz

14.  Numerology:  3, 7, and 6

15.  Fae: Salamander, Sprite, and Fairy

16.  Major Arcana: Wheel of Fortune, The Moon, Temperance, The Magician, and The Empress

17.  Minor Arcana: Wands, Cups, and Swords

18.  Cartomancy: Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades

Cultivating Star Anise

Star anise is easy to grow and care for as long as it is in a weed-free place and sheltered.

Raised beds and greenhouse planting is recommended to prevent mice from freely destroying them.

You may consider placing coriander in the beds nearby as anise enhances its growth. 

Once established it is hard to transplant because it has a long taproot(common in Jupiterian plants).

Starting anise from seeds is the best initial route to take.

Sow in the spring when temperatures begin to average at about 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit

To harvest, cut the entire seed head before they have fully ripened.

Dry them on paper or on cloth in the sun or in a dry warm room.

Store the dried seed pods in a tightly sealed glass or tin container and keep them in a cool dry room.

Happy Th-HERBS-day!

MamuBabu Witchery

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