As we approach the end of Sagittarius season, we near the climactic festivities of the winter solstice.
Christmas usually comes to mind as the peak of the holiday season, and you can thank pre-Christian Pagans for this “Christ” induced holiday.
However, Christmas traditions are derived from a holiday called Saturnalia, an ancient Roman/Grecian Pagan celebration of the god Saturn.
This Th-HERBS-day, we want to honor Saturnalia and touch on three powerful herbs ruled by the planet Saturn.
Many Pagan celebrations revolve around the planetary placements in the sky and the seasons they bring.
This is common throughout the ancient world and is the foundation of many holiday celebrations and religions.
The largest and most anticipated Pagan celebration of the Roman and Grecian eras was Saturnalia.
Saturnalia was a holiday that lasted for about 6 days, and it was the biggest celebrated holiday out of them all in Roman Pagan times.
The focus of this holiday was on the planet Saturn. or Kronos in Grecian belief systems.
The god Saturn was known to rule over time, agriculture, and order, and was one of the first gods to be worshiped in ancient times.
Nevertheless, the celebration of Saturnalia was the absolute opposite of what this god of responsibility stood for.
As you approach Saturnalia, working with Saturn-ruled herbs can help you release, accept, and focus on what’s ahead.

Saturnalia, An Ancient Rager Before The Solstice
Celebrating Saturnalia was like throwing a Woodstock 69’ meets Las Vegas-themed Thanksgiving birthday party for the city.
People wore their most colorful clothes and filled the streets with obnoxious drinking, singing, and dancing.
For 7 days, the streets looked like Mardi Gras with gift-giving, gambling, and even free prostitutes.
Ancient Greek and Roman Pagans took celebrating this Saturn holiday seriously and would spend weeks saving and preparing for it.
People were ordered not to work during this event-even the slaves were forbidden to work.
Streets were cleaned and lined with wax candles and citizens contributed the last of their year’s harvest to gluttonous feasts.
Kings and priests donated their finest wines to the celebration as well as gifts of precious metals and gems.
People scrounged together the best gifts, especially since scrutiny was cast on those who gifted cheap presents.
Slaves were granted freedom during Saturnalia and were given hats, or pileus caps to wear as their “freedom” pass.
Everyone was considered equal during Saturnalia, and roles were even reversed among slaves and upper-class citizens.
A slave was even crowned as the mock king of Saturnalia and instead of ruling, he would “misrule” the people of the city.
The sole role of the mock king was to lead mischief, womanize, and roast people (even slave owners).
Saturnalia was the best time of year for slaves to air out their grievances towards their masters and doing so was even encouraged.
It was the epitome of chaos, disorder, and primal indulgence-a far cry from what the holidays look like today.
But how did all of this pandemonium relate to the responsible no-nonsense god Saturn?

Captain Buzzkill, aka-Saturn
Contradictory to Saturnalia, Saturn is a God of order, hard work. responsibility, determination, and long-term planning.
He’s a god that can slap the reality back into anyone who gets carried away with their ego and indulgence.
The Devil card in the tarot represents Saturn’s way of showing you the unhappy consequences of overindulgence.
Saturn humbles mankind by revealing harsh truths and bluntly cuts out ego-driven false ideas about the self.
He ruthlessly cracks the whip to snap people back to work and reality.
The Sun transits into Capricorn (ruled by Saturn), between December 22 and January 19th, right around the end of Saturnalia.
The all work and no play characteristics of the sign of Capricorn result from their rigid ruler Saturn.
He’s basically Captain No-Fun, but his unbending rule cuts out unnecessary bullshit and brings balance back into our lives.
Saturn brings in responsibility, planning, and hard work to ensure that the fruits of our labor are even sweeter the next Saturnalia.
If the transit of the Sun into Saturn didn’t happen, our indulgence would imprison us into a life of chaos.
Saturnalia was a way to fully indulge and embrace disorder before it was time to get back to work all over again.
This was why the people of these ancient times went absolutely wild in their Saturnalia celebrations.
It was the time to let loose and live it up before the boss-man Saturn came back to restore order.
10.75″ Chronos Greek Mythology God Time Statue Figure Figurine Sculpture Khronos

three herbs of saturn
Saturn herbs are generally dangerous but are powerful in cutting out what doesn’t serve us and can assist in embracing the new year.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna), and Datura (Datura stramonium) are both very poisonous herbs ruled by Saturn.
Like Mugwort and Wormwood, Belladonna and Datura are extremely powerful when used together and are even considered sisters.
Belladonna cuts cords that attach you to toxic/dangerous people and reveals to you your spiritual gifts.
Datura helps you face the realities of yourself and assists in helping you accept your purpose.
Working with these plants together helps you accept your own reality and guide you to where you fit in Saturn’s orchestrated grind.
But, they are to be handled with extreme care and expertise, so it is highly advised not to consume or burn these herbs.
Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum Officinale), is the perfect herb follow-up after working with Belladonna and Datura.
Like Solomon’s Seal pendants, this herb brings powerful protection and controls the toxic energies the prior herbs helped you cut out.
Not only is this herb protective, but it can help you relax when Saturn’s rule can get too rigid and provide you clear focus.
The Poison Path Herbal: Baneful Herbs, Medicinal Nightshades, and Ritual Entheogens Paperback – October 26, 2021