Many children and adults have taken part in searching for “lucky” four-leaf clovers.
The lore of such luck probably stems from all of the benefits it provides to plants, animals, and people.
This Th-HERBS-day we honor red clover (Trifolium pratense).
It is a member of the bean (Fabaceae) family which contains about 240 varieties of its species.
Loved by everyone, this well-known herb is popular among pollinators, cows, and environmentalists worldwide.
Clover is an especially nurturing herb and plays a big role in supplementing major ecosystems.
It provides nectar for bees, medicines for people, delicious treats for herbivores, and fixes nitrogen in the soil.
This highly accessible herb is found all over the world, except in the Australasia region.
As we exit Gemini season and enter the Moon’s domain of Cancer, Mercurial-ruled clover is a nurturing herb that perfectly segues into this motherly zodiac sign.

The History and Use of Red Clover
Clover has been and still is often used by farmers as a cheap way to keep livestock fed and happy.
Anyone who has raised cattle knows how irresistible this beloved common herb can be to their herds.
Clover has often been beneficial to crop farmers after harvests.
These farmers use different methods to replenish depleted soil after a harvest, including burning fields or covering them in compost.
Many midwestern farmers will plant soybeans after harvesting corn because of their powerful soil restoring abilities.
As part of the legume family itself, clover is a cheap way to repair the soil just as effectively as soybeans.
The use of clover has been applied to ailments of all kinds over the years.
One of its earliest praised uses was for its astringent property for inflammation, eczema, and wounds of the skin.
In the historical book, Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, Nicholas Culpeper noted the use of clover in treating gout and eye irritations.
Herbalists today praise red clover for its blood purifying properties, aid to menopausal symptoms, and its dense vitamin content.
Red Clover Blossom Extract Organic

The Spirit of Red Clover
The spirit of clover is one that leaves no stone unturned when it comes to taking care of everyone around it.
It is a true friend and servant to our planet and gets along well with other herbs in spell crafting.
Imbodying both the masculine and feminine energy of the planets, it fully exudes the complete neutrality of the planet Mercury.
Though it’s very gifted in many planetary energies, Mercury-ruled clover takes on a lot of Moon qualities as well.
It’s one of the Mercurial herbs you may want to reach for when crafting for prophetic dreams, Moon rituals, and abundance in any aspect of your life.
Attracting abundance and balance in your family/work-life is one of the gifts the spirit of clover can bring to the witch’s table.
Its energy works beautifully with creative pursuits as well as mapping out goals.
This nurturing spirit will open your psychic chakras to receive divine inspiration.
It encourages your mind and body to ease into being present while nurturing your soul with peace and balanced discernment.
By allowing yourself to be in a balanced state of awareness, your mind will have more ease in channeling your creative flow.
Which makes brainstorming and planning much easier and manifesting abundance a lot faster.
It’sa lucky herbal spirit to keep around the home and yard because it’s here to help keep everyone balanced, and make sure everyone is taken care of so that we can flourish.
MamuBabu Discreet Mini Altar

Red Clover’s Energetic Properties
This list of properties is a helpful guide to assist you in spell crafting and rituals.
The energy of the herb is heightened when planned carefully with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc.
Here are 18 energetic properties associated with red clover:
1. Planet: Mercury
2. Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Virgo, Cancer
3. House: 3rd, 4th, 6th
4. Element: Air, Earth
5. Gender Energy: Masculine and Feminine
6. Chakra: Vishuddha/Throat (Blue) and Manipura/Solar Plexus (Yellow)
7. Archangel: Raphael
8. Deity: Budha, Ketu (Hindu), Hermes, Hades (Greek), Freya, Freyr, Sif (Norse), Turms (Etruscan)
9. Sabbat: Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh
10. Season: Summer
11. Day: Wednesday, Monday
12. Body: Stomach, Nervous System, Bowels, Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Collarbone, Tongue, Sight, Perception, Understanding, Interpretation, and Expression
13. Rune: Raidu, Kauna, Isa, Jera
14. Numerology: 4
15. Fae: Fairy, Gnome
16. Major Arcana: The Lovers, The Magician, The Hermit, The Moon, The High Priestess
17. Minor Arcana: Swords, Pentacles
18. Cartomancy: Spades, Clubs

Growing Clover
Clover is a beautiful ground cover that can attract pollinators and enhance the soil around it.
If you don’t want to have your property overtaken by clover, be sure to map out your garden accordingly because it can spread fast.
Clover can thrive in just about any type of soil if it is well-drained and in full sun.
In the earliest of spring, just before things begin to warm up, is the best time to sow seeds.
You can start the seeds in small containers, and they usually grow quickly and easily.
After the seedlings begin to root and gain fullness, separate sections of the young clover and transplant.
Before transferring the divisions outside, make sure the risk of overnight frost is low and the season has become consistently warm.
Clover is prone to viruses, powdery mildew, and a wide variety of fungal infections.
Use neem oil spray about once every week to every other week to keep fungus in check.
Clover will produce throughout the year, and you can harvest by cutting about a third off the top right after its flowers have bloomed.
Lay the cuttings out to dry in partial sun, then label, date, and store in sealed containers.
Make sure it is thoroughly dried to ensure a mold-free crop.
Keep the sealed containers in a cool dark place.
Happy Th-HERBS-day!