Sometimes practicing your craft can get pretty heavy and may even drain your energy.
When you feel that your vibes are low or that you’re enduring psychic attacks-peppermint is THE herb to turn to.
This Th-HERBS-day, we honor peppermint, (Mentha piperita).
It’s a member of the mint (Labiatae) family and is a classic herbal ally in the witch’s garden.
Peppermint is a true hero when we need help with finding our inner strength and power.
Many classic witchcraft books hold peppermint in high regard to ward off illness and bad luck.
Much of this has to do with the way it clears the mind so that we don’t sabotage ourselves with unintentional manifestation.
During times of self-doubt, worry, and insecurity, peppermint can assist in getting you out of a funk.
The subtle push that this green spirit can grant us is very powerful and a gift from the angelic realm itself.
It is a strong protector for empaths and psychics who constantly bat away unwanted energies attempting to glom onto their auras.
This herb of clarity can also open paths to receive more money, love, and healing into your life.

The History of Peppermint
Peppermint has a range of medicinal use throughout human history.
In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder had an affinity for the herb and claimed, “The very smell of it reanimates the spirit.”
It was most popularly used as a strewing herb throughout the ages and had even played a major role in Greek lore.
As the story goes, Zeus and Hermes were disguised as strangers while walking through Asia Minor.
They were snubbed by everyone except an old couple who took them in.
The couple used mint to clean the table before setting it and the herb helped reveal the true identity of the two strangers.
The gods rewarded the couple by turning their home into a temple for their kind hospitality.
As an herb that helps clear the air, this old tale lends to some truth of its beneficial properties.
Peppermint is an amazing remedy for an array of ailments.
It’s popularly been used to treat headaches, flatulence, nausea, indigestion, and even bee stings.
Most notably, it has been used to freshen the breath and ease toothaches.
It is still popular today as a breath freshener and is used in many oral cleansers and chewing gums.
Peppermint is also helpful in curbing hunger and can suppress the appetite.
However, some studies have revealed that after the hunger-suppressing effects have worn off, the hunger pangs kicked back in even stronger.
Peppermint Leaf Tea Bags Organic

The Spirit of Peppermint
As part of the mint family, peppermint is one of the pioneers of perseverance, confidence, inner drive, and mental strength.
In Greek mythology, when Persephone found out her husband Hades was in love with the beautiful nymph Minthe, she changed her into a lowly plant.
Unable to undo the spell, Hades softened the spell so that the more Minthe was tread upon, the sweeter she would smell.
This story aligns with the persevering essence of this green ally’s magick.
Peppermint is a plant spirit that loves to take the sting away from difficult circumstances and fill everyone with the willpower to prevail.
It is the herb that will always be there to pick you up when you feel trampled and beat down by life.
This herb always wants to uplift and push everyone to their fullest potential so that things keep moving forward.
When you’re having a hard time seeing things clearly because of heavy emotions or stress, peppermint helps purify your mind.
It brings focus and motivation when energies are low and awakens the powers of the mind so that the subconscious aligns with our consciousness.
Peppermint is a saint when it comes to helping those with deep depression or grief.
It can truly help heal us when dealing with painful times in our lives and assist in dragging us out of the depths of despair.
This herb is especially helpful to Scorpios as they can get sucked into painful memories that seem to take hold of their psyche.
In contrast, if you’ve been “stung” by a rough Scorpio transit, working with peppermint can pull you through those murky times.
Peppermint works best when utilized for things like purification, meditation, psychic development, and spirit communication.
This herb is also excellent when doing shadow work so that it keeps you from dwelling too long on traumas and doesn’t slow down your healing.
It can remove the heavy energy that can sometimes be too much to shake off so that your soul growth progresses.
Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint’s Energetic Properties
This list of properties is a helpful guide to assist you in spell crafting and rituals.
The energy of the herb is heightened when planned carefully with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc.
Here are 18 energetic properties associated with peppermint:
1. Planet: Mercury
2. Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Virgo
3. House: 3rd and 6th
4. Element: Air
5. Gender Energy: Masculine
6. Chakra: Vishuddha/Throat (Blue)
7. Archangel: Raphael
8. Deity: Budha (Hindu), Hermes, Hades (Greek), Freya, Freyr, Sif (Norse), Turms (Etruscan)
9. Sabbat: Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh
10. Season: Summer
11. Day: Wednesday
12. Body: Nervous System, Bowels, Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Collarbone, Tongue, Sight, Perception, Understanding, Interpretation, and Expression
13. Rune: Raidu, Kauna, Isa, Jera
14. Numerology: 5
15. Fae: Fairy
16. Major Arcana: The Lovers, The Magician, The Hermit
17. Minor Arcana: Swords
18. Cartomancy: Spades

Growing Peppermint
Like any other mint, peppermint is an easy herb to grow.
The easiest way to start them is from root divisions or cuttings.
It does best in moist and well-drained soil in warmer climates like those in zones 5-9 in the full sun.
Peppermint is prone to a few pests like aphids, grasshoppers, spider mites, and mint flea beetles.
It’s also susceptible to mint rust and verticillium wilt if the herb is overwatered and not in well-drained soil.
Keep them in separate containers or in their own beds because they will overtake the rest of the garden if not properly contained.
If you are planning to grow it for tea, then growing indoors is ideal to control pests and molds.
This also ensures a readily available supply of fresh mint right in the kitchen.
Happy Th-HERBS-day!