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Lemongrass, Your Third Eye’s Best friend

Spread the witchery!

Lemongrass isn’t praised enough for its power to assist in psychic communication.

If you’re in the middle of a kundalini awakening and need a little help with clarity-this grassy spirit can save the day!

This Th-HERBS-day, we honor lemongrass, (Cymbopogon citratus).

It’s a member of the grass (Poaceae) family and naturally grows in tropical regions of Africa and India.

Lemongrass is exceptional for opening communication pathways in both our realm and the spirit realms. 

This herb is popular in Hoodoo practices and a must-have for assisting psychic development.

It is great for clearing away chaotic energy and clarifying communication during Mercury retrograde. 

Lemongrass is versatile and useful in candle dressings, anointing oils, spiritual baths, incense mixtures, and floor washes. 

It smells just like lemon candy when freshly ground and makes for a great natural cleaning solution.

Both purifying and uplifting, lemongrass is a plant spirit that can raise the vibrations of any space and any soul!

cymbopogon, lemongrass, grasses-272641.jpg
Lemongrass, Cymbopogon Citratus

Historic Use of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is an insanely beneficial herb and has been used for just about everything throughout history.

In western cultures, lemongrass is most known for its amazing lemony scent and is popularly sold as an essential oil for aromatherapy.

However, in eastern cultures where it is naturally found, it has been used for much more than a relaxing aromatic scent.

For millennia lemongrass has been used for many medicinal, culinary, sanitary, and repelling solutions.

It has been used for insomnia, pain relief, anxiety, appetite suppressant, diuretic, digestive aid, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and as a topical skin-care aid.

The compounds found in lemongrass work as an insect repellent and are used in many popular brands of bug repellents.

Its been a popular home cleaning agent in many floor washes and wood polishers due to its bug-repelling qualities, sanitizing abilities, and preservative properties.

Museums in India use lemongrass oil as a helpful preserving solution for ancient manuscripts written on papyrus paper.

Some studies have suggested that it is useful in lowering cholesterol and fats in the blood.

Lemongrass Tea Bags Organic

The Spirit of Lemongrass

The spirit of lemongrass is just as diverse as the interests and talents of the sign of Gemini.

With Gemini being one of the most brainy, communicative, and adaptable signs in the zodiac, lemongrass doesn’t fall far from these heightened Mercurial characteristics.

When practicing any craft, incorporating this charming herb can uplift the energy of your intention and allow your magick to fall in the direction you send it.

Kind of like being lifted into the sky by an air balloon to get a better look at the land from above and gaining the foresight to pinpoint exactly where you want your magick to go.

This herb is a plant spirit that raises the energetic vibrations of auras of both inanimate and animate objects.

It can purify the space of your home and is a wonderful herb to use in any work setting.

It resonates with the optimistic healing properties of citrine crystals in the way it helps restore confidence, endurance, focus, and positivity.

When doing divination work or spirit communication, lemongrass works as a catalyst for your connection to the astral realms.

Like going from dial-up internet to cable internet, it helps you connect to spirits and the akashic records faster, which is why it’s soo loved for psychic development.

This plant spirit can help optimize your ability to retain information while learning new things.

So having some of its essential oil around can give your brain a nice stimulating boost while studying up on your craft or learning a new skill.

Lemongrass is versatile when it is mixed with other herbs for rituals and spell crafting.

However, some of the more earthy herbs and crystals may interfere with spirit communication by keeping your energy too grounded.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

The Energetic Properties of Lemongrass

This list of lemongrass properties is a helpful guide to assist you in spell crafting and rituals. 

The energy of the herb is heightened when planned carefully with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc.

Here are 18 energetic properties associated with lemongrass:

1. Planet: Mercury                  

2. Zodiac Sign: Gemini, Virgo                                                                                     

3. House:  3rd and 6th   

4. Element: Air                       

5. Gender Energy: Masculine

6. Chakra: Vishuddha/Throat (Blue)

7. Archangel: Raphael

8.  Deity:  Hermes (Greek), Freya, Freyr, Sif (Norse), Turms (Etruscan)

9.  Sabbat: Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh

10. Season: Summer

11.  Day:  Wednesday

12.  Body: Nervous System, Bowels, Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Collarbone, Tongue, Sight, Perception, Understanding, Interpretation, and Expression

13.  Rune: Raidu, Kauna, Isa, Jera

14.  Numerology:  5

15.  Fae: Fairy

16.  Major Arcana: The Lovers, The Magician, The Hermit

17.  Minor Arcana: Swords                  

18.  Cartomancy: Spades

Growing Lemongrass

Lemongrass prefers well-drained soil and should be planted in the full sun.

It requires a lot of sun since it is naturally adapted to hot tropical open areas.

Unlike most plants that require well-drained soil, lemongrass needs its soil to be moist and fertile.

If you decide to grow this herb in a greenhouse, or indoors near a window, you can use a soil-based potting mix.

Be sure to water frequently during spring and summer and set your pots outdoors so that they can grow into full hearty plants.

During the winter, bring your outside pots indoors and water much less frequently.

You can harvest your lemongrass multiple times throughout late spring and early fall.

Happy Th-HERBS-day!

mamubabu, witchery, th-herbs-day, herbs, hedgewitch, green witch, baby witch, pagan, occult, magick, spells, ritual

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