The hot desert climate is far from where you would expect to find a watery Moon governed gatekeeping herb.
Regardless, of its preferred dry or tropical surroundings, eucalyptus is a champion in the pantheon of Lunar herbs.
This Th-HERBS-day, we honor eucalyptus, (Eucalyptus spp. globulus).
Native to Australia and Tasmania, it’s a member of the myrtle (Myrtaceae) family and consists of over 500 species of Eucalyptus varieties.
This nurturing life-sustaining tree provided hydration, food, and medicine to early people in the Aboriginal tribes of Australia.
It is a protector against insects, an antiseptic, an expectorant, a germicide, and has astringent qualities.
You can find eucalyptus essential oil in many over-the-counter medicines, beauty products, and insect repellents used today.
Its popular for its effective respiratory benefits when used in steams or as an astringent/anti-inflammatory skin treatment in herbal soaks.
The use of eucalyptus is still popular today, and its spiritual capabilities have an even further impact on spiritual development.
The spirit of eucalyptus is one of the most energetically dense entities in the physical realm.
It is pungent to almost all five of our senses, but it is especially profoundly helpful to the entirety of our subtle auric system.

The History and Uses of Eucalyptus
According to a video titled “The Benefits of Eucalyptus” by Dr. Eric Berg DC, eucalyptus medicinal benefits range from relaxing lung tissue to inhibiting MRSA.
You’ll find that the history and use of eucalypts are heavily decorated and entire books could be written on this herb alone.
The early aboriginal tribes and wildlife in Australia depended on eucalyptus for survival.
Because water was scarce on this drought-prone continent, many settlers died from dehydration when they first arrived on the new land.
Aborigines dug up the roots of the eucalypts to keep themselves hydrated.
They extracted the water by blowing through one end of the root and drinking the bubbling water secretions from the other.
Had the settlers known of the water stored in the roots of the eucalyptus, they might have had an easier start.
Aside from its medicinal and survival uses, you can find eucalyptus at the forefront of economic growth and disease control.
During the nineteenth century, societies found it to be an extremely fast-growing tree.
Its wood is as durable as timber and its lumber served as an important source for infrastructure development.
Most notably, and surprisingly one of the least known facts about eucalyptus, is its ability to control malaria.
The blue gum tree (E. globulus) species, were planted in marshy areas struggling with the malaria disease.
Outbreaks were subdued by the tee’s insatiable roots, as they quickly absorbed the watery marshes, drying up the mosquito breeding grounds.
40 Rainbow Eucalyptus (E. deglupta) Gum Tree Seeds FREE SHIPPING * USA SELLER *

Witchery With Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is an obscure plant for being governed by the moon.
By its choice of climate and stoic nature, you may find the nurturing lunar aspects of this herb difficult to observe.
Like the sign of Cancer in the zodiac, it has a tough outer exterior and a watery inner core.
You can harness the most powerful aspects of the Moon by incorporating eucalyptus in almost any ritual or spell-especially by pairing it with other lunar herbs.
The spirit of eucalyptus wakes up your entire energetic makeup as it flows through your body and pushes out energetic blockages.
It calms and protects us in our physical reality and uses incredibly strong force in assisting the body for ethereal interaction.
It is especially great to use for protection during the new moon when the Sun’s protective light is covered.
Eucalyptus is an excellent guide in the darkness because its energy pulses in and out of the body and auric field.
It acts almost like a lightweight transparent wetsuit for the soul as it plunges into the astral realms.
When you need assistance in meditation, divination, mediumship, or trance, using eucalyptus is like installing a, surround sound Imax theatre in your aura.
Inhaling the vapors of eucalyptus allows its spirit to clear out energy blockages throughout your body so that communication from the spiritual realm is received more easily.
This powerful green spirit helps ease anxiety and acts as a nurturing mother, ensuring your energy is safe, clear, and calm before your spiritual travels.

Eucalyptus’s Energetic Properties
This list of eucalyptus properties is an extremely helpful guide to assist you in spell crafting and rituals.
The energy of the herb is heightened when planned carefully with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc.
Here are 18 energetic properties associated with eucalyptus:
1. Planet: Moon
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
3. House: 4th and 12th
4. Element: Water
5. Gender Energy: Feminine
6. Chakra: Sahasrara/Crown (Purple)
7. Archangel: Gabriel
8. Deity: Selene (Greek), Diana (Roman), Heindall (Norse), Catha (Etruscan)
9. Sabbat: Lughnasadh
10. Season: Summer
11. Day: Monday
12. Body: Breast, Mind, Nerves, Stomach
13. Rune: Gebo, Wunjo
14. Numerology: 2
15. Fae: Sprite
16. Major Arcana: The Moon, The High Priestess
17. Minor Arcana: Cups
18. Cartomancy: Hearts

Cultivating Eucalyptus
Eucalypts are difficult to cultivate, but if you live in the right climate and have a roomy spot for it, you might have success.
The best way to get a eucalyptus tree started, is by transplanting a younger tree, but you can also start them from their tiny seeds.
Keep in mind that these trees need a lot of fertilizer and they can take away a lot of water from other plants around them.
You need to prepare a large space with loamy soil and place it far away from other plants that you do not want to compromise.
If you are able to control night-time temperatures in a greenhouse setting, do not let the temperature drop below fifty degrees Fahrenheit.
Eucalyptus trees can grow fast if they get plenty of moisture, so you can get away with underwatering as their natural habitats are in dry and hot conditions.
Thankfully, eucalyptus produces natural oils that are natural insect repellents and will assist in repelling pests from the rest of the garden.
Happy Th-HERBS-day!