Looking for an herb to assist you in hitting your manifestation target?
Dandelion is always nearby and ready to help!
This Th-HERBS-day, we honor dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).
It is a member of the daisy (Compositae) family and known to many as a pesky weed.
Love it or hate it, dandelion has had both a good and a bad reputation over the years.
The word dandelion is derived from the French’s dent de lion, or “lion’s tooth” because of its jagged leaves.
They are near impossible to keep out of lawns and they are persistently resilient.
If you take a look around outside, you can usually spot a dandelion from just about anywhere.
Its excessive presence reflects its ruling planet Jupiter’s large presence.
Dandelion is a tonic both internally and externally and can help soothe and cleanse the body and aura inside and out.
Though it is hardly thought of as anything positive today, this common herb has a long history and is much more than meets the eye.
You may have a newfound appreciation for this unpopular plant after learning just how helpful it can be both physically and spiritually.

History and Use Of Dandelion
European herbalists hold dandelion to be one of the most important herbs used in holistic medicine.
Juice from the dandelion is still utilized in type two diabetes and liver treatment.
Studies over the years have found it to be beneficial in regulating the blood and the kidneys.
Dandelion was brought to the US by European settlers because of its use in medicine and food.
It was once called the “white man’s footprint” because it had adapted and spread so quickly in America.
Earlier days of settlement in America came with many hardships as people adapted to the new world.
Some families relied heavily on the herb to keep from starving and it was used in many recipes, even in making wine.
Dandelion also served useful as a dye in clothing to create yellow and magenta colors.
When the stem, roots, or leaves are cut and squeezed, it secretes a milky white substance.
The substance contains latex and can be used to make rubber and glue.
In the Herbal Jedi’s “Dandelion, Nature’s Hard Worker,” herbalist Dr. Terry Willard Ph.D. claims the latex is effective in removing warts.
If you like using herbs in baths or steams, consider incorporating dandelion leaves in your next relaxing bath.
It has anti-inflammatory properties and can assist in healing skin conditions.

Dandelion’s Spirit And how it realates to Witchcraft
You may not think of dandelion as an extension of lucky Jupiter but take a closer look and you’ll find this herb’s energy screams Jupiterian.
Its weedy inclination to invade and overtake lawns perfectly represents the way Jupiter can tend to overpower houses in birth charts.
Dandelion loves to be where people are because it wants to bring joy, food, and wealth of health to us.
Loaded with nutrition and medicinal benefits for the body, it brings overall luck to your well-being.
Its spirit goes wherever there are blockages throughout the body and loosens them up.
You may find this manifested behavior in its tendency to grow in areas of tightly compacted soil.
This is because it is drawn to areas that need to be aerated and loosened up.
Every part of the dandelion is edible and provides an abundance of vitamins and minerals.
The spirit of this plant reflects its Jupiterian characteristics in its association with Sagittarius as the archer.
When you dig up the roots of this herb, you’ll find that the roots resemble an arrowhead.
This arrowhead-like root aims deep below the surface of the soil to penetrate tightly packed soil.
Used as food or medicine, dandelion’s spirit targets and breaks up blockages in the body such as cholesterol or constipation.
Like Chiron in astrology, this herb is well-versed in healing and observing the bigger picture of people or situations.
It can see exactly where it is needed in the physical and spiritual realms and hits its mark with precision.
In spell crafting, the use of dandelion can assist in hitting the mark of your intention.
It especially helps with intentions in opening roads, reaching goals, and overcoming blockages.
Whether you aim to manifest in love, prosperity, or health, dandelion works as your arrow.

Dandelion’s Energetic Properties
The properties of dandelion (and any other herb you intend to work with) are an extremely helpful guide to assist you in spell crafting and rituals. When planned carefully with corresponding days, seasons, zodiacs, etc., the energy of the herb is heightened and will add more power to your intention. Here are 18 energetic properties of dandelions:
1. Planet: Jupiter
2. Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
3. House: 9th and 12th
4. Element: Fire, Water
5. Gender Energy: Masculine
6. Chakra: Svadhisthana/Sacral (Orange)
7. Archangel: Zadkiel
8. Deity: Chiron, Zeus (Greek), Odin, Njord (Norse), Tinia (Etruscan)
9. Sabbat: Yule, Ostara
10. Season: Late Fall, Early Winter, and Late Winter
11. Day: Thursday
12. Body: Blood, Liver, Veins, Arteries, Feet, and Thighs
13. Rune: Tiwaz, Berkana, Othala, and Dagaz
14. Numerology: 3, 7
15. Fae: Salamander, Sprite
16. Major Arcana: Wheel of Fortune, The Moon, Temperance
17. Minor Arcana: Wands, Cups
18. Cartomancy: Diamonds, Hearts
Pisces Mother of Pearl Hand-Carved Pendant

Cultivating Dandelion
When you grow your own dandelion, the green leaves have a much less bitter flavor.
The greens have more nutrition than spinach, but their bitter flavor can be tough to stomach.
You will need to prepare raised beds separate from other plants in the garden.
These dandelions are famous for causing weedy garden takeovers, so separate planting is important.
Use nitrogen-rich loose soil and sprinkle in fine mulch or sawdust to make uprooting easier.
Depending on what you intend to use the plant for, you can harvest different parts of the plant throughout the season.
Happy Th-HERBS-day!